Customer service

Pori public transport customer service is located in Porin Leijona, address is Yrjönkatu 6

Opening hours:

Monday 10-16
Tuesday-Thursday 8-16
Friday 8-15

Opening hours may vary during holidays, check up-to-date opening hours here (in Finnish).

  • Travel cards and loading tickets, info:

    Porin Leijona, Yrjönkatu 6, 28100 Pori.

    From here, you can also buy a reflective cover for your travel card.

    Loading travel cards on sale point:

    K-Market Pihlava, Kiviaidantie 11, 28800 Pori

    R-kioski Pori tori, Kauppatori, 28100 Pori

    R-kioski Ulvila Friitala, Tehtaantie 2, 28400 Ulvila

    When loading a travel card on sales points, there’s a 2€ service fee which is added to the sales total. 

    Waltti webshop

    You can order a new, personal travel card or load a season ticket or value for your travel card. Here you can also order a travel card for your child, if they are under 17 years old.

    Buying a ticket in the bus

    You can buy a single ticket or 5h/24h ticket from the driver in the bus with cash. You can also buy an adult single ticket with contactless payment. You can read more about that here.

  • Info about timetables, routes and tickets you can have from the Pori customer service, address is Yrjönkatu 6. You can also email to or call to customer service, phone number 02 621 1100.


  • If you have feedback regarding routes, timetables and tickets, please send an email to

    If you have feedback regarding bus drivers or their service, fill out this form (in  Finnish) that is sent to our transport operator, Porin Linjat Oy.

  • Buses are cleaned daily and lost and found are delivered to Satakunnan löytötavaratoimisto where you can ask about your lost belongings.


  • If you have lost your travel card, you can ask if it has been found from Pori customer service.

    If your travel card was personal, you can go to customer service to shut down the lost card. Transferring the information and tickets from the lost card to a new one will cost 7€ (new card)+ 2€ service fee.

    If your travel card was holder spesific, it is similar to cash, so it can’t be shut down or any tickets that the card had, can’t be transferred to a new card.